Thursday, November 15, 2007

They're Still with Me

The happy 160s are still here and the magic number on the scale was 169, so I wore my shoes...and they were too big. *Sigh* I still wore them and got lots of compliments and felt fabulous, but I'm bummed because they are in my size, they just fit a bit wide for me. I think if I put in an insert that will help but I can't be sure. I don't want to ruin the inside of my shoes if it's not going to make a difference in how they fit.

I worked out yesterday morning and did okay. I wasn't out of breath, like I thought I would be, and I kept it up around a half hour. I did the same this morning and am thinking that I might try my weight training on Saturday. I think that's what is making the difference in how I look and how things are fitting on me (I'm in a ten, by the way...and it's not strangling me or too tight). Hubby even said, "Hey, those are loose!" Who knew! I think it's all those lunges and "up and down" on the 12" stool. Talk about but-kicking exercises! Seriously!

Anyway, I am happy to be back in the 160s but, as they say, we're never satisfied. I keep thinking, This is where I got stuck the last time. Will I crest into the 150s or am I destined to stay in the 160s for the rest of my life? I guess time will tell. I haven't hit up my program with hubby yet nor have I changed my eating habits to that of a figure competitor. Phew! That's going to be rough when I do. I just can't get excited about tuna and oatmeal everyday. I suppose I have to change my thinking to that of food being for nutrition and not necessarily for pleasure. And, it's not forever. It's me attempting to reach a goal. If I do...if I do...when I do.