Thursday, March 01, 2007

Personal Comments

Sometimes, these are things you would rather not hear. Other times, it's exactly what you need to keep motivated. Personal comments in the form of a compliment. I love them!

A coworker of mine told me, "What are you doing? You're looking so great. You're getting into such good shape."

Oh, yeah! Exactly what I needed to hear. Even though I'm not quite to the halfway mark, it made me feel like my efforts were not in vain. I'll keep trucking along until more and more personal comments are shot my way and more of my clothes begin to fit again.

The weekend weather is supposed to be decent, so I may begin changing clothes out. I really need to. There are still maternity objects hanging next to shirts, dresses and pants that are very wintry and probably won't be worn again anytime soon. I'm sure I got them out last year when I thought I'd drop tons of weight, after the baby was born. It didn't happen. Hormones are a bitch, but thank God they don't stick around forever.

Last night, it was "Hooked on Aerobics" again, but this time, the babe didn't want to work out with me. She started to, then changed her mind. I guess that whole being sweaty thing was getting to her (poor kid, she just doesn't know what she's in for). :) I felt really good afterwards. I showered, got the girls their dinner, then I had mine. Lentil soup and bran cereal should have had me living in the bathroom, but I'm fine even now. I guess my body is adjusting to all the fiber I'm getting. I'm glad. No one likes to live in the potty.

Hubby said that I'm starting to sound differently when I sleep. My body is looking different, too. Woohoo! It's all about those personal comments.