Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Again, No Change...Ugh!

It's frustrating as hell and there's really nothing I can do about it accept wait. I'm tempted to see what the number shows, once TOM disappears finally. I can feel the water trapped in my body...seriously. It's hanging around my hips, thighs, back and face. Then, as if all that weren't enough, I appear to be sick again...AGAIN! What is up with this winter? I haven't been this sick in years and it's been continuous. I think this is a cold, but who knows. Thank God I still have some of the decongestant prescribed when I had the sinus infection. I'll be taking that over the next few days for sure. The weather man said we had some of the dirtiest air quality in the country, yesterday. I'm sure that's not helping me and my kids get any better.

I still haven't rewarded myself for the last goal. There just hasn't been time. I really don't want to get my manicure/pedicure with the two kids in tow because 1, the baby shouldn't be around the smell of those chemicals and 2, the babe would be begging for one of her own. I may treat her to something like that later in the year, but not just yet. She still sucks her thumb and treats like nail polish and manicures should be saved for non-thumb suckers.

The good news out of all this is I'm looking better, so the muscle building must be happening. I'm supposed to go to lunch with a coworker today (we haven't decided where). I don't have much of an appetite and when I take that medicine, it may disappear completely. I should be able to order safely without fear of overdoing anything. I also have a lunch tomorrow for a coworker who is turning 31. I'm a little torn as to whether we should pay for his lunch or not. I usually start that ball rolling (taking the birthday person's check, then chipping in the first few dollars), but for my birthday lunch, I had to pay for my own. I was a little perturbed by this but, whatever. Perhaps that is what we're doing, now. I'll just follow everyone elses lead.