Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Almost to 10%!

Today, the scale was kind (Dang it! How often can we say that?!) I'm currently sporting 171 pounds, so that means I'm almost to my 10% goal. Woohoo! The first goal prize is something from my wishlist. You know, that list tortures me. I love movies and I get updated when a movie hits my price range. Do you know I have three of those damn updates in the past 4 days? What's that about? Nine times out of ten, those items will be long gone by the time I get this pesky pound and a half off of me. The one that really frosts my cookies (an old co-worker of mine used to say that. Isn't it great?) is that the Superman collection was up for twenty dollars. Twenty dollars!! I've been waiting and waiting for that one to drop and it never does. I'm sure it's gone by now. Oh well, I guess I'll have to pick from the other 30 or 40 from the list (I know, isn't that terrible? What an addiction.)

For one of my bigger goal prizes, I'm going to buy the Alexis Vogel set (I'll have to kind of save up for that one. Even on eBay, brand new, it isn't cheap). I'm not sure if it will make yours truly look like a super model or whatever, but it's bound to help. I don't wear makeup, typically, just a little lipstick or gloss when the lips get a bit crispy. I really do it up on special occasions like parties. It will be the second part of what, I hope to be, a major transformation. The third part will be the extreme hair color (if I can actually go through with it).

Well, it's back to my regular workout, today. Last night, I was so exhausted! I had lunch out yesterday and didn't do my elliptical training at lunch. My hubby (the personal trainer) said that, even during this short time I've been doing that extra workout, my body has begun to adapt. Can this be true? He also said that was why I was so tired, last night because the mid-day workout gives me energy (it doesn't take it away...but dang, it sure feels like it does). Anyway, I'm back on track today. The gym bag is sitting right next to me on my desk waiting for me to whisk it away at 11:30.

One step closer everyday!