Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poking Yourself with Needles

Today I began Dr. Simeon's Protocol. There is a ton of information all over the web about this diet (so, I won't load my page down with links and facts you can discover for yourself). It's taken about one month's worth of research, research, research to really decide to try this for myself. This is something I'm doing for me so, I've not broadcasted this decision to too many people. My husband, the folks within the groups I've joined and my viewers here (whomever are left) are the only ones in the know. With the latter two, it's completely anonymous and I appreciate that.

Since it is my first day, it is considered a "load" or "gorge" day, so I've tried to eat everything under the sun. Boy, has that been hard! Others on the message boards talk about how hard it is to eat on the load days, but I had no idea it would be this difficult. Finally, I began picking up things to eat, just to eat them. Candy from a candy dish, drinks from the break room, cookies, whatever. Tonight, I will feast on horrible delicacies for dinner in hopes I can redeem my pitiful load day: Carl's Jr. $6.00 burger, with McDonald's fries, a cooler or two and some doughnuts. Sounds good to me!

The injections were the most intimidating factor of this entire process. I really wasn't sure if I could do it but, as a mother of two finds out, she can do pretty much anything. I did it and it didn't even hurt. Score! Only 39 more times to go. I will need to find a better method of disposal, however. That was the only aspect I didn't consider as closely as I should have.

I look forward to the binging craziness this evening. My kids are going to think I've lost my mind, but I'm sure they won't mind (since they'll enjoy the benefits of this as well). I keep telling them they will have to eat "cleaner" like mom (well, not quite as clean as me) in the next few days. I'm sure they will find all sorts of ways to drown their veggies. BBQ sauce, ketchup, can be so creative and disgusting at the same time.

I started the plan today at 185 pounds. Ugh!


Susan said...

I'm on Day 4, P2, and I agree the loading days are HARD! One suggestion: milkshakes and ice cream are a great way to get the fat in. Also, if you have an old laundry detergent bottle around, that's great for disposing the sharps in, just mark it "medical waste". You're going to do great!!

Enchantress said...

Thanks for stopping by, Susan. The laundry bottle...what a great idea! I'll have to remember to save that sucker when it's empty. :)

Oh, and I've just finished eating myself into oblivion. Oh, man do I feel like I'm gonna pop! Still have some wine to drink, then that's it for me. Good luck with your journey, too!

Susan said...

I well remember that "I'm gonna pop" feeling... It totally amazed me how NOT fun loading was.

Thanks for the good wishes, if you want to check on my journey, my blog is at

We're both going to be healthier, happier people at the end of this, not to mention understanding exactly just how strong we are. This takes commitment!

Anonymous said...

So I'm extra late as usual...what's new. But the laundry detergent bottle is a good idea. When you're done, you can contact your pharmacy and they should take the sharps container for you (that's what I've done in the past...blood sugar issues and all, so I know the drill)