Friday, February 26, 2010

First Day of VLCD

It's been a wild and weird day, and it all started at around 1:00am this morning. I woke up "hankering" for hubby, but he was having major tummy trouble. He told me later that he was all for it, but his stomach just wouldn't cooperate. Oh, well. There's always tonight? After tossing and turning a bit, his alarm went off at 3:00am. I kissed him goodbye then, laid in bed unable to go back to sleep. All of a sudden, my tummy was not good. I ran to the potty and voided. I got back into bed to try and go back to sleep. Unfortunately, it was back to the potty to pay homage to the porcelain god. This occurred one more time and I realized my detox from a couple of days ago and the load from yesterday were all coming together. Oy!

I stayed up and worked my four hours, having a cup of coffee to try and wake up. Oh, why did I do that! I am not a regular coffee drinker and, although the caffeine helped to wake me up, it also gave me some major jitters. I believe my body became confused and wanted to "feed" what it perceived to be low blood sugar. I resisted as best I could, sucking down my water and waiting for my lunch hour (took the youngest to her doctor's appointment, which is why I only worked a half day).

I decided to try a recipe I'd found online for shrimp scampi. The shrimp were to be steamed in a microwavable steam bag with vinegar and seasonings. Then, I was to put all of this on a bed of raw spinach. The spinach was delightful and the seasonings helped with flavor, but the shrimp didn't cook properly. Ugh! It was all chewy and gross. That's the bad news. The good news is that, once I fed my face, I didn't seem to be hungry anymore. I also had a lovely cup of Black Cherry Berry Celestial Seasonsings tea, which was very nice.

Hubby asked me to pick up a couple of rotisserie chickens for him. Oh, that was hard! I really didn't want to have to deal with the grocery store for a few days. I wanted to give my body and my mental state time to adjust to being with so little food. The smell of those chickens in my car on the way home was murder. It was more of a desire to eat, rather than a need.

For dinner, I sauted the shrimp this time with the vinegar and seasonings. Instead of spinach, I had a single pickle (yum!) and half a grapefruit with stevia sprinkled on top. That was wonderful and it truly hit the spot. I am not hungry and I'm having sort of a hard time believing it.

Here's the information of my daily intake. It's much lower than I thought it would be. I'm sure I'll get a better handle on this as the days go by. The chicken is defrosting in the fridge and I'll bring up my George Foreman to cook it up for the week. According to my calculations, there are 32 ounces in the package. Four ounces is a little over 100 grams (my allotment). This package should get me through 8 meals, correct? I know I've never stretched a pack of chicken that far before. This should be interesting.

The site would not allow me to give myself a limit of 500 calories. It actually posted a warning in red that the allotment was too low and that I should seek a doctor's recommendation for that amount. I couldn't configure the information to know that I have consulted a doctor's recommendation. So, it's stuck on around 1200 for now. The actual total of consumption is just above and just below the table.

February 26th, 2010

Calorie goal: 1,236; calories consumed: 346; calories burned: 0
Net calories: 346
Mood: Okay

Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Folgers Flavors Cinnamon Swirl 1.00 0 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Sweet Leaf Stevia Plus Single Serve Packet 2.00 0 0g 0mg 0mg 2g 0g 2g 0g
Popeye Fresh Tender Spinach 1.00 25 0g 0mg 80mg 4g 0g 2g 3g
Napoleon Balsamic Vinegar 1.00 10 0g 0mg 5mg 2g 2g 0g 0g
Kroger Raw Small Shrimp 1.00 120 2g 150mg 170mg 1g 0g 0g 23g
Kroger Raw Small Shrimp 1.00 120 2g 150mg 170mg 1g 0g 0g 23g
Kroger Kosher Dill Spears 1.00 5 0g 0mg 220mg 1g 0g 0g 0g
Grapefruit, Half 1.00 26 0g 0mg 0mg 7g 0g 0g 1g
Old London Melba Toast 1.00 20 0g 0mg 37mg 4g 0g 1g 0g
Old London Melba Toast 1.00 20 0g 0mg 37mg 4g 0g 1g 0g
Totals: 346 4g 300mg 719mg 26g 2g 6g 50g

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Today's weight this morning was 186.8, so I gained just about two pounds during the loading process.


Susan said...

Congrats on a great first day!
I know it's strange to not feel hungry on so little, isn't it?
I've only had one or two moments of wanting to eat (as opposed to hunger), and plan on keeping my mind straight so it stays that way!

I forgot about pickles! I'll have to get some. And gaining almost 2 pounds on loading is great! I myself gained exactly 3 which were gone after 1 day of VLCD. I've heard of people gaining much more than that.

You're doing great!