Saturday, July 04, 2009

Pressing Forward

Things are going pretty well. I weighed in at 185.2 after doing 30 minutes of cardio (It should be noted here that I notice bigger losses when I do it twice a day as opposed to just once, but that can be tricky). No cardio tomorrow. The body needs a chance to repair and prepare for the next day.

I actually enjoyed yesterday's BBQ without going completely overboard; however, I did make a mistake. My mother had bottles of green tea to drink. Not thinking, I downed the entire bottle (after the supplement). Not a good idea. I was up until 1:00am playing diner dash and giving myself a serious case of the carpal tunnels. Anyway, the girls woke me up and I proceeded to separate them for two hours. Yelling at each other on one of my only days off and on a weekend was not going to fly with me today. Something had to be done.

All is well, now. I'll pick us up breakfast, after I stop at the store and see what few last minute fireworks to pick up. We do it every year, but somehow we neglected to purchase any this time. We'll see what I can get for around $20 (can't see myself spending any more than that on items to be blown up or burned away.

What's happening with my eating? I'll come back later and paste it below. The fat and salt content are higher than I'd like, but my calories are pretty good. Weird!