Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm Back (and "casually" dating my scale)

After a long break, the scale and I are starting to see each other again. It had some harsh words (and numbers) for me. It was bitter and so am I. Together, we're going to come to an understanding and figure out how to live with each other again. I think it's worth it for both of us to try and I believe we can have a happy, healthy relationship. Ready for the scary? A whopping 189 this morning. I could make all kinds of excuses (the long weekend in St. George, the winter binges, the stress eating over the past two months) and I don't really feel it's wasted breath. I feel this is how I can identify the issues and work to overcome them in the future.

So I begin again. It's always up and down for me (usually within the same twenty pounds). That is something I would love to overcome, if I can. I want to be able to get it off and keep it off (permanently). I also know that is the most difficult challenge; maintenance. I think I need to look at it in terms of something I do in everyday life...like keeping the glass coffee table clean or washing my car every other week. If it appears doable, then I should be able to do it.

Goals? Of course! There are always goals. I want to be in my two-piece by the time we go on vacation in June of this year. Not just in it, but looking taut and tone. I do have realistic expectations. I'm not expecting to be 100 pounds or waif thin (I will never be a waif), but I do expect to have the rocking arms, muscular legs and minimal pouch I had just months ago.

I will find different ways to handle the stress. I must admit, I am frightened to think of how bad it would have been if I hadn't kept up with some sort of exercise regime. The elliptical never went away (thank God). But, I will increase everything and incorporate my weight training, which does wonders for my physique. The eating (as hubby always says) is major! It's 80% of the process and, while he's putting on weight, I can't join him anymore.

Goodbye high sugar treats everyday. We will only meet on occasion, now. Good bye every carb I can get my hands on. It's low-glycemic items for me, again. I shall now turn to the protein friends who give me so much more; chicken and fish? I'm ready to party.