Friday, August 08, 2008

Too Much Happening...but, I'm Trying

The babe is sick, my coworker is quitting and my rag is coming. Needless to say, the stress level is way high. Despite these and other stresses in my life, I've managed to watch my food and exercise for the past two days with a fervor I haven't had in about three months. I'm determined to get these pesky extras off again. The hard part is going to come when my girlfriend gets here next week. We have a tendency to overindulge. I think that I'll "get" myself with extra workouts whenever we overdue it, just so I'm staying with the program.

Hubby is threatening to train me again (starting next week). Not sure how serious he is, but it's never a fun process. Don't get me wrong, he's good at what he does, but the wife-husband dynamic always brings up a power issue for me. The first time he trained me, I looked really good (I wasn't as small as I would have liked, but I looked great) and felt good. I suppose that's all that I really should expect, right? Not be a size four like my mother (she walks 5 miles on the treadmill at a 4.5 clip every other day). It takes her approximately ninety minutes. I seriously don't have that kind of time, but I suppose I would be down with it if I did. Nah. The fact that I probably burn more than half of what she burns in thirty minutes on the elliptical is enough to keep me from her kind of torture.

So, there it is. Me trying to get svelte again. My arms are flabby (first indication that I've put on weight) and they're already football player size. Something must be done.