Wednesday, April 13, 2005

What will the day bring?

We have another "pow-wow" session scheduled tomorrow with the family. I'm not sure how this one will go at all. The first one was very revealing to all of us, I think. I'm just hoping that things stay civil (like they were the last time). I'm glad TOM is over and I'm not PMSing. I could say things that I wouldn't normally say, if that were the case. Right now, I'm feeling very level and clear-headed. I'm keeping optimistic...that's all I can do.

I'm wearing the dress I wore Easter Sunday today. I've been called "mod" and "gorgeous". I'd say that's a good way to get the day going. I've also been a mite sassy (it must be the dress).

Still no word from the potentials. It's starting to bug me a bit, but I'm trying to say strong. I really, really, really want to find something that works for my schedule along with the Babe's, but that also allows me to receive the income I need to stay in my house. I hope that can happen. I'm really praying hard that it does.

I've been doing well on the workouts but boy am I sore! Hubby took the back massager to me last night and it sure helped, but I'd really like an all-over massager. My quads, triceps and inner-thighs are what's giving me grief today. We have dinner guests coming tonight, so I didn't do my morning workout (opted to clean a bit and get things ready), nor will I do one this evening (cooking, entertaining and such). I hope I'm not in a mummified state by tomorrow. It usually takes a day to really feel the grief. Ouch!!