Not you guys...I mean, not unless you want to. This is just me venting about a phone call I received a few minutes ago. What is it with people and not reading? I mean, they can solve so many of their own problems if they just took the time to freakin' read. It's really pathetic. The sad thing is that it was a student who called. A student! How does he expect to get anywhere with his degree without reading? Oh, well. The details really aren't that important, but it is a subject that comes up more than not.
Meanwhile, I'm back on the "working out" regularly kick. Not that I wasn't before, but last week was out of sorts because of me and the babe both being ill and dad was home, which makes us always want to go out and eat for comfort. Luckily, we eat pretty well (most of the time) but last week, it was all KFC, A&W, McDonalds, Taco Bell and Fat-food heaven. The only "good for us" take-out we had was Rumbi Island Grill (I'm starting to really fall in love with that place. Yum!!)It's amazing that I don't feel like tub-o-lard because I really should. Today, I've been extra good to try and make-up for the damage. I'm glad I'm not weighing regularly right now because I would be living on guilt street for real! I just don't want that right now in my life. I know what I did, I'm going to correct it. Why should I have to put myself through torture as well? It's not worth it...especially with my stress-level where it is. I can't wait for my vacation! God, I can't wait!
The day, otherwise, hasn't been so bad. My boss is back, after spending the weekend burying his father. It was really sad watching him go through that. I understood why he was at work, but I wish he had taken more time off. I can't imagine what it's like to loose a parent. A bunch of us sent flowers to the funeral (this was separate from the standard, company flowers that go out...too impersonal, I think). He is my boss, after all.
Well, here's to hoping students everywhere start reading and learn how to do things on their own, without someone constantly holding their hands.