The weather is not cooperating again. The sun has nearly disappeared and will not return until a week from today. One week! I need a bit of Vitamin D, here. I'm at critically low levels and I can tell TOM is approaching because I'm moody and bitchy this week. If the sun were here, I'd have no trouble screaming my stress out at the top of some hill. As it is, I'm stuck indoors (and there will be no screaming indoors, says the management).
Weight training and cardio are going well. I'm in my "fat" jeans because of TOM water weight, and they're not as tight. That's a good sign, I guess. I wish they were nearly falling off like last year, but I guess this will do.
The babe has had some issues at school, so much so that the manager had a "sit down" with me on Tuesday. I was embarrassed, but listened to what she had to say. My child is spoiled, thank you very much. Of course she is! I almost lost her at birth and at four months. We totally dote on her. Granted, I know it will cause problems later, so we are working to discipline her better, not allow her to argue with us so much, and have given her a sweet list of chores to do (she already fed the dog and cats, now she's taking care of other things). I hope it works. I so don't want her to have troubles when she's in regular school.
My sidekick has been on vacation this week to Disneyland and Vegas (lucky girl). I'm sure she's having the time of her life, while I'm stuck indoors...staring out at the rain. Oh, joy. I can see little pockets of sun over the mountains, but the rays are being muffled by big, cumulus clouds. Oh, clouds, don't you have somewhere else you could be, like, up north somewhere or back East?
I have no set plans for the weekend. The babe is grounded from the T.V. till next Tuesday, so there's only play time and computer learning games that she can do. I suppose I'd better stock up on some. This may turn into a long weekend indeed.