Yes. I'm proud to say that I voted bright and early, yesterday. Unfortunately, I don't think it did much good. I'm in a staunch, Republican state and there's rarely an opportunity to overcome it. Not to say that I'm a straight party-voter, but I do want what's best for our country. A nice balance is always good, but we've got a definite, controlling power on our hands again. I really feel divided on all of this. Would Kerry have been a good President? Will Bush really tackle the issues and stop being a moron? I don't know. It's all very disheartening. I just wish our troops would come home. Then, we should take care of domestic issues before trying to take on everyone else's. I'm not very political at all, but that's how I feel.
There is water weight with me. Oh, yuck. Also, I padded myself a bit during the Halloween festivities of last week. We had a lot of fried goodies (catfish and hushpuppies), and an assortment of chocolate goodies. Thankfully, I haven't gone overboard. The problem is, I keep getting invited to lunch and I'm not turning anyone down. I need too because I'm missing workout days galore. This week, one of my engagements cancelled, so I will be able to get in my normal amount, if not more of my workouts. I also plan on getting in my good one on Saturday, too (now that swim lessons are over). They'll start up again in January. Oh, and I recently discovered that Wednesday's are dollar-days at the pool. During Christmas vacation, perhaps the babe and I can get in some awesome swim time for cheap.
I really need to regain my focus. I can't be hot by thirty if I'm eating Halloween candy. I'm on my way! Hubby gave me my new plan to start next week and I am so geeked about it. I know that it will get me close, if not completely to my goal. The weight training and cardio begins for the next four weeks, then the diet change. We will get our two splurge days; Thanksgiving and Christmas. Other than that, there's no more eating out and everything is being cooked at home (except for these blasted lunches I keep getting invited to).
I've also said to myself that I can't buy anymore frocks or cutsie clothes until I get off these couple of pounds that have creeped onto me over the past two weeks. I also want to document more here on the blog (which I will). No empty promises. I'll just keep saying it until I darn well buckle down and do it. The calorie count is still at 1400, but I've gone over all weekend and the end of last week. This week has gotten off to a pretty good start. I will be back in the swing by this weekend (I'm positive). If for nothing else than that I am eyeing another tunic that is so pretty (check out Newport-News' Kimono Tunic). The model is wearing it in black. Can't be a big girl in a top like that. :-)