Saturday, August 02, 2014

Day 3 and Counting

The charge I felt the first day has not been duplicated; however, that hasn't deterred me. I'm still working out like a fiend! If only I could drink more water and stay away from the salt (my natural enemy). Isn't there a "salt" substitute? My sugar one works out great!

I just returned from the trail at the local park and didn't beat my time, sadly. My speed was a bit slower and I'm attributing that to the music playing today. Although I love Justin, he just wasn't pushing my walking speed. I found that when Nicole Scherzinger's Jai Ho played, my pace picked up. Consequently, it was the same speed as Meghan Trainor's All About that Bass and I continued to skip along, taking my heart rate up to 135 for a while. After doing some quick research, finding music that matches 128BPM works better for my walk. Since the dancer in me wants to walk to the music, that's what I need to focus on. I think I'm finally going to update my Nano (after years and years of not changing it) to fit my walking speed.

We've been working out as a family at night. Last night, it was Just Dance 3 and 4 with my hubby and girls. My girls were all about it and my heart rate monitor showed me as burning 600+ calories in 48 minutes. Yes! Hubby wasn't as motivated. His excuse? He hasn't done it as much as us, so doesn't know the choreography. There were two songs that I'd never done. I think because choreography comes naturally to me, I just pick it up.

T25 is also in our arsenal of night time workouts. I think he prefers that one and the idea of a man leading us. Twenty-five minutes of adrenaline pumping, buckets-of-sweat inducing cardio works pretty well for hubby. The girls run for the hills as soon as he says we're doing one of these. My next goal is to find the "Beta" workouts. We've been doing the Alphas for a while.

My weight is slowly dropping but, again, I know the culprit: salt, salt, salt (isn't that nearly always my downfall?) Documenting it just helps to remind me that; A., I need to keep it to a minimum and B., I need to drink more water to get rid of it. My hope is that I'll see a few pounds lost in a week. My calories are fairly low, my protein is high and my activity level is great compared to what it was.

Tonight is Kid's Church and the last night for my daughter and I to teach our preschool group. It's been an adventure. I think I'd prefer to have the babies again, if we do it for the summer. Saturdays worked out nicely but preschoolers are so demanding!

Stats for my walk today:
 HRT Monitor Calories Burned - 305