I was hungrier today than usual. The weather was cooler and perhaps it was my body just trying to find warmth and comfort in food to ward off the cold. Despite my urges, I stayed with the low-carb. The craziest I got was with my milk and coffee this morning. It was so wonderful! It totally hit the spot and I'm pretty sure I'll need another one tomorrow (okay, I'll pass if my weight is up).
This morning, I was down .8lbs (175.4lbs) and a little lower after my workout. I've been sticking with it and enjoying the endorphin rush. I know I'll need to dig out my Firms soon for the weight training. I can't just do endless cardio for the rest of my days. Or can I...
My hubby was in a car accident this evening. It seems a man decided at the last minute to cross three lanes of rush hour traffic so that he could be in my hubby's lane. Unfortunately, he didn't see my hubby until it was too late. Tomorrow, I'll take him over to the Enterprise so that he can rent a car. He's pretty much said that this puts the kibosh on our Las Vegas trip at the end of the month. What a bummer! I was looking forward to some alone time with him.
An airy, forty-something water-bearer that marches to the beat of her own drum. I'm a wife, a mother of two and avid animal lover. I also love to travel and may one day make that part of my profession.
Labels: 170s, P4, R6